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FQFD系列清粉机是面粉厂用于处理皮磨平筛的中交,下交物 料.提取纯净麦心,供心磨系统磨制低灰分,高精度面粉的专用设 备,该机设计合理,结构紧凑,采用振动电机传动,具有工艺效果 好,运转平稳、噪音低、使用维修方便等优点。
Model FQFD series of purifier is used for processing low average material in plansifter, extracting pure wheat germ. So it is the special equipment for milling low ash content flour and highprecision flour. The machine has adopted vibratory motor driving with advisable design and compact structure. So that it works smoothly and the noises are low. You can be satisfied with its fine craft and convenient maintenance.